Accessibility Statement

youB, Inc. is committed to making sure that this website as well as our mobile app are accessible to everyone. To make the use of the website and mobile app a positive experience for all users, we endeavor to conform to the Website Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1 to level AA) in the design, testing and development of our website and mobile app. We continuously seek to enhance the website and mobile app, and increase the accessibility of our digital content, for all consumers. In addition, if you require an alternate format of our Privacy Policy or any other terms, conditions or forms on our website or our mobile app, such as a pdf copy of our Privacy Policy, please contact us at so we may provide a copy in an alternative format. Lastly, if you have an accessibility-related question or comment, or if you are having difficulty accessing information on our website or our mobile app, please email us at so that we can provide you with the information or access you need.